Resources for you
Explore the ever expanding list of downloadable resources below and feel free to use them at your discretion. We'd love for you to share your details with us, so we can learn more about you and how we can improve the downloads here.
NEW Respiratory Health Workshop Resources for Year 1 (5-6 years) Pupils
Brand new for 2021 in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, workshops have been developed focussing on respiratory illness and the transmission of germs, as well as the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ germs and viruses and bacteria.
NEW - UK Workshop Resources - Year 1 (5-6 years)
A Germ's Journey: Pepper and Soap Experiment
A Germ's Journey: Green Paint Experiment
A Germ's Journey: Glow Gel Activity
A Germ's Journey: Draw A Germ
A Germ's Journey: Bye Bye Germs Readthrough
A Germ's Journey: Giant Germs
UK Posters
Vibrant and engaging posters highlighting the journey from the toilet seat to the tummy (and out again!), exploring the concepts of germs being invisible to the naked eye, multiplying and causing illness and the importance of handwashing.
UK Posters
UK Handwashing Posters
Step-by-step posters, highlighting the key handwashing actions.
UK Handwashing Posters
UK Parent Guide
Use this informative guide with hints and tips to encourage discussion with children.
UK Parent Guide
Soaper Stars Posters
Each Soaper Star has an important message about handwashing - use these posters as a reminder of how to wash hands effectively!
Soaper Stars Posters
Handwashing Song
A fun and catchy song, co-created by A Germ's Journey and Thinktank Birmingham Science Museum.
A Germ's Journey Handwashing Song Lyrics
Colouring Sheets
EYFS (3-5 years) UK Workshop Lesson Plans
These workshops have been designed for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Funky Facts Germs Game
The Funky Facts Germs Game is an interactive activity designed for young children that involves reading different facts on individual germ characters and deciding whether they are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ germs. Once children have decided whether they are 'good' or 'bad' germs, they can then place them around certain areas of the house/classroom/outside areas where they think the real germs would be hiding. These can then be displayed in these areas as a visual prompt or be taken down to play again. To start playing, simply download, print and cut out the germ characters below.
Funky Facts Game